S.C. Courts’ Openness in Settlements Could Spread to Other Jurisdictions


In South Carolina, thanks to U.S. Judge Joe Anderson and State Supreme Court Chief Justice Jean Toal, settlement records in cases involving public safety have been open for several years. That is a benefit to the public, according to a recent news report, because it lets consumers know just how dangerous a product might be. Judge Anderson recently testified in Washington about the need for openness in other jurisdictions.

The Louthian Law Firm has served injured South Carolinians since 1959. We have won millions for our clients and are committed to protecting consumers’ right to a fair and honest marketplace. And because we know victims are often stretched thin financially, we always offer free consultations to potential clients. To speak with an experienced consumer protection attorney today, call us at 1-866-410-5656.

Full story – http://www.thestate.com/local/story/479745.html


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