
Articles Posted in Product Liability


$8.5 Million Awarded SUV Rollover Lawsuit

The Gadsden (Alabama) Times reported that an Etowah County Circuit Court jury has awarded $8.5 million to a woman injured in a 2003 Mercury Mountaineer rollover. Two people were killed in the accident and two were injured, including Latoya Duckett. Ms. Duckett filed a product liability lawsuit against Ford Motor…


Patient Awarded $9.8 Million For Malpractice During Heart Surgery

A Lexington, KY hairdresser who became paraplegic after a routine heart surgery has been awarded $9.89 million in the largest medical malpractice verdict ever in Fayette County. The plaintiff had valve surgery in April 2006. The surgery took less than an hour and was successful, but medical experts testified that…


Widow Sues Pfizer, Alleging Husband’s Suicide Was Linked To Stop-Smoking Drug

An Indiana woman whose husband committed suicide in January 2008 has filed a lawsuit against Pfizer, the manufacturer of Chantix, a smoking-cessation drug her husband was taking. The woman alleges that the company failed to warn consumers that the prescription medication might cause serious psychiatric symptoms such as suicidal thoughts.…


S.C. Courts’ Openness in Settlements Could Spread to Other Jurisdictions

In South Carolina, thanks to U.S. Judge Joe Anderson and State Supreme Court Chief Justice Jean Toal, settlement records in cases involving public safety have been open for several years. That is a benefit to the public, according to a recent news report, because it lets consumers know just how…

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