
Articles Posted in Prescription Drugs


Legal Experts Predict Increase In Lawsuits Over Heart Drug Trasylol

The drug Trasylol was used during open-heart surgery to reduce blood loss in thousands of patients. However, the FDA suspended sales of the drug in 2007 over a possible link to kidney failures, heart attacks and strokes. Because so many heart surgery patients received Trasylol during the 14 years it…


Widow Sues Pfizer, Alleging Husband’s Suicide Was Linked To Stop-Smoking Drug

An Indiana woman whose husband committed suicide in January 2008 has filed a lawsuit against Pfizer, the manufacturer of Chantix, a smoking-cessation drug her husband was taking. The woman alleges that the company failed to warn consumers that the prescription medication might cause serious psychiatric symptoms such as suicidal thoughts.…


Federal Health Advisors Reject New Weight-loss Drug

After hearing testimony that the drug increases the risk of suicidal thoughts, even in patients without a history of depression, Federal health officials unanimously rejected the weight loss drug, rimonabant, manufactured by Sanofi-Aventis SA. The panel said that the company failed to show the drug is safe. Judging from the…


Free Drugs for Doctors from Drug Makers Can Lead to Harm for Patients

Chicago Tribune staff reporter Bruce Japsen reported that gifts which are showered on doctors by drug and medical device makers have become so pervasive that they are a standard part of virtually every United States physician’s practice. “Despite self-policing initiatives launched by organized medical groups and the drug and device…

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