
$8.5 Million Awarded SUV Rollover Lawsuit

The Gadsden (Alabama) Times reported that an Etowah County Circuit Court jury has awarded $8.5 million to a woman injured in a 2003 Mercury Mountaineer rollover.

Two people were killed in the accident and two were injured, including Latoya Duckett. Ms. Duckett filed a product liability lawsuit against Ford Motor Company alleging the vehicle was unstable and rolled over too easily.

As a result of the accident, Ms. Duckett’s right leg had to be amputated just below the knee and her left arm is paralyzed and suffered brain injury, the paper reported in October.

The case against Ford Motor Company in the deaths of the father and daughter was settled for an undisclosed amount several years ago.

No punitive damages were awarded, but the $8.5 million in compensatory damages was the largest in the county’s history, the paper reported.

Ford Rollover Accident

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